SSO Adventure!

This morning I woke up and set right out on a long hot walk in search of the social security office. It took me about an hour to get there, and on the way I saw some odd stuff.
Like a white brick building in a line-up of establishments, very plain and kind of run-down looking. There were several windows, all with tightly closed blinds. The only thing on the outside was a large sign that said "Now Hiring," and in smaller letters beneath it, "inquire within." I couldn't stop thinking about what was in there and what would happen if I went to inquire about a job... I am now inspired to write a story about a girl who goes in and ends up getting some crazy job as like, a receptionist for vampires or something.
Then, a few stores down, was a big sign that said "Party Girls" and below it, "Event redecorating and stiling." First of all, let me point out that they do not do event decorating, but very specifically, REdecorating. I think this is an important business choice. But why did no one tell them that "stiling" is not a word?? You'd think this would have come up.
Anyway. Finally I get to the social security office, and I'm not really sure what I was expecting... well, I guess I was expecting to enter a mostly empty lobby and go up to a big mahogany desk and tell them I needed to get a social security card, and to then get it all sorted out in 10 minutes or so.
As most people probably know that is not what a social security office is like. It is like the DMV, where there are rows of hard plastic seats and you sit there waiting for your turn to be called up, assuming you have an appointment, and no one is there to tell you want to do or what forms to fill out, and, I'll be frank, there are several large mexican families with screaming babies.
So I go up to this desk on the side of the room which has some forms on it, where a girl is standing. "They make this so hard," she says. "I know really," I reply. "Oh here we go! Are you looking for a form to change your name?" She asks helpfully. "Um, no." I search through the forms. Most of them are in spanish. I start to panic. 
Finally, on the other side of the room, I see a sign which informs me that basically, for various reasons, I can't get my social security card, so all that walking in the blazing heat to this miserable little office was for naught.
So I leave. And realize that I didn't eat or drink anything this morning before heading out, so I'm pretty sure I am going to black out any minute, so I get a smoothie from McDonalds. 
And that is all.


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