Tender Mercy

Monday morning was very hard. I wanted to give up on all the progress I've made emotionally, I won't go into details but dark thoughts of the past came into my head and it was horrible. I walked around in a daze, barely hanging on.

And then my best friend came over. We went to her house and talked about music and world events and relationships and plans and then we went to the mall and just wandered around 'till we were hungry, and we went to an amazing sushi restaurant for dinner, and then we drove around with the intent of getting lost (finding a donut place on the way and stopping for a quick bit of dessert) and we started singing loud operatic christmas songs at the top of our lungs, and then we rolled down the windows and blasted christmas music and danced like maniacs and sang "All I want for Christmas is you" to random people on the street. And eventually we just randomly came across a movie theatre, which inspired us to go see a movie, so we went to see Guardians of the Galaxy. It was really funny.

And so instead of collapsing in my bed and crying and eating nothing all day, I laughed until I cried and ate good food and felt genuinely so happy. I am so grateful to Ari and my heavenly Father for wanting to help me be happy and healthy and for pulling me up out of the dark.

I called this blog "MondayMorningist." After a bad monday morning and writing this post here, I remember why I called it that. Because I took a hard thing and I turned it into a title, telling myself to be optimistic and embrace everything. Because I can do hard things and conquer them.

But in those times when you really can't overcome something on your own, heavenly Father always send help. I have never been without angels in my life, on this side of the veil and the other, helping me get through every trial. I am so grateful.


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