Solar Plexus Chakra
January- Solar Plexus Chakra
Power, Self-esteem, strength. Personal will and Identity
Element: FIRE.
Location: Between navel and solar plexus.
Body sense: Sight.
Herbs/scents: Lemon, Ginger and Grapefruit
Crystals: Tigers Eye, Amber and Topaz
This chakra focuses on identity in action. Mental symptoms if blocked would be: lack of self worth, controlling instincts, neediness, and lack of inertia or motivation. Under or over achieving are both symptoms of an imbalanced solar plexus chakra. Physical symptoms would be: inability to digest properly, constipation, inability to absorb nutrients, IBS, etc.
When in balance, you have a feeling of empowerment and purpose, as well as a sense of who you are and why you're here. Use spiritual practices like aromatherapy, meditation and prayer. Let go of the things you depend on to define who you are such as your job or bank account, so that you don't depend on external sources for happiness. Focus on inner strength and spiritual identity. Once you do this, let your purpose drive you to action; make goals and allow forward momentum in your life.
Mudra: Agni
Performing this Solar Plexus Mudra in meditation or yoga stimulates your ‘agni’ or digestive fire, which aids digestion and ignites our inner light. With your conscious mind wide awake, you’ll gain clarity on your life and boost your self-esteem.
To activate your Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra with the Agni Mudra, fold your ring finger into your palm and gently rest the base of your thumb over the top of your ring finger.

Affirmations (I DO)
-I stand in my personal power -I am ambitious and capable
-I have the courage to create positive change in my life
-I forgive myself for past mistakes and learn from them
Goals for month:
-Eat Yellow foods. Also add healthy fats to your diet to help absorb nutrients. Focus on what else needs to be ADDED to your diet, not taken away.
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