Things I'm Bad At

Things I'm bad at:

1) Writing emails and leaving messages. I feel like I'm just talking at/to no one and I end up being all rambly and inappropriate. I'm too formal when I'm leaving a message to a friend, or maybe I'm too informal when emailing a teacher. Are smiley faces bad? Do I need to be grammatically correct and capitalize all my i's and stuff? Are winky faces bad? (just kidding about the winky faces. But other then that yeah. Seriously. I want to know.)

2) Saying "no" to adults who frighten me. That's why I'm unbelievably good at making last-minute excuses. If I can  avoid the conflict by narrowly missing the event (or whatever) while not having to blatently refuse anything, I stay in everyone's good book. And I can keep to myself. Which is what i like.
Some situations, however, you can't back out of. Once you say yes there's no using the protective mother excuse or "the evil babysitting mom was late" excuse. Some things I can't wiggle out of.  Hemhem letting my drama teacher talk me into dropping creative writing for a drama class WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF?!?!??

3) I'm bad at going to bed when I planned to. It's either 3:00 in the afternoon or midnight lady, take your pick. Sleep knows no master.
You know what this is, it's when you're reading a text book and you're like "hmm I'm kind of tired WAIT NO STOP I CAN'T DO THIS NO--" fast asleep.

I'm bad at lots of other things too. Maybe I'll tell you guys some more later. Ciao.

-Monday Morningist


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