Theatre Weekend

Jacket: Nixon Shirt:Forever 21 Skirt: Boden
So here I am in the foyer of my school's theatre, being House director. 'Twas a grand time; I've seen the play three times this weekend, and we still have another to go. Good things it's actually a really entertaining play, because being House Director involves a lot of stress and yelling at immature kids who are in House for credit and do not take it seriously. I can be scary, really people.
So I have awesome job to turn people away who are three minutes late and see their faces as I shut the door on them. It's also my job to look outside at intermission and see them shivering out in the cold, having waited forty minutes just to see the second half of their friend or family's performance.
By the way the play is The Mouse That Roared, and it's a winner.
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