November- Root Chakra

Survival, security, stability. 

Element: EARTH

Location: Base of spine. 

Associated color: RED

Body sense: smell    

Scent: earthy scents like cedarwood or myrrh. 

Food: Red colored vegetables, or cloves

Crystal: Red Jasper


This is the very baseline chakra, so it deals with the most basic feelings of security and safety we need before we can even begin to move towards other energy centers. It’s associated with the adrenals, and when blocked it can cause feelings of stress, fear, insecurity, or fear of change. Financial insecurity. Inability to make decisions. Lack of control. Feeling lost. 


All chakras can be in a state of blockage or in a state of over-use. If the root chakra is over-developed there may be a certain stagnancy or lack of motivation for growth.


When in balance, one feels safe, stable and secure. 


Walk in nature, ground yourself by going barefoot. Connect to your body through yoga, dance, or hikes. Connect to divinity to gain faith and trust that you are cared for and have no need to fear. 

Mudra: Prithvi

This grounding Root Chakra Mudra promotes stability and inner strength. Prithvi Mudra is also used in Ayurveda to purge toxins from the body and treat digestive disorders. 

The Root Chakra Mudra is fairly simple to form and only requires the tips of the fingers to touch. With your hands pointed up to the sky, allow the tips of your ring finger and thumb to meet in the middle of your palm. 

Affirmations: (I AM)

  • “I am a divine being of light.”
  • “I am peaceful, protected, and secure.”
  • “My soul is always safe.”
  • “I am financially secure.”
  • “The Universe will always provide for me.”


-Listen to crystal singing bowl note for safety and security daily (HERE and HERE)
(additional sound bath HERE)

-option to chant or think the seed sound LAM and use the mudra (hand position) while meditating

-Light red candle while meditating, and keep a red jasper stone with you to remind you of your affirmations. 

-Focus on the color RED throughout the month. The color red is often associated with anger, which gives it a negative association to many people. It is on stop signs or warning labels, or is the color of "NO" in big letters. But that shouldn't be so negative to us; red is about safety. Anger, too, is a positive emotion that keeps us safe at times. We are taught so vehemently not to be angry, but often (especially for women) that means that we allow people to hurt us, and don't hold people responsible. Anger is a gift that comes with love; if we love ourselves, we get angry when someone is cruel to us. If we love our child, we are angry when someone puts them in danger. Anger, in correct balance, is not wrong. As you focus on safety and security this month, don't shy away from red. Red is a warning, but it is also a color used to represent passion and love- and it's all connected.

-Connect to your body through a movement you love- commit to daily walks or yoga.

-Choose a scent to help ground you and connect you to the present moment when you smell it

-Eat red vegetables


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