Throat Chakra
March - Throat Chakra
Communication, expression, restraint and honesty
Element: SPACE
Location: Throat
Color: BLUE
Body Sense: Hearing
Scents: Rosemary, sage, mint, eucalyptus
Food: Fruit
Crystals: Turquoise, Aquamarine,
Blockage can cause difficulty speaking, either physically or mentally- you may struggle to get the right words out, lose your train of thought while communicating, or be afraid to speak your truth. Alternatively, in over-use you may talk too much, interrupt others, or ramble on without a clear point. You may also be overly critical of yourself and others. Physical ailments could include a soar throat or thyroid issues.
When your throat chakra is open and balanced, you will find that you are not only able to speak fearlessly and with compassion, but you will also be open to listening to and hearing others in a way that is selfless. You will be able to talk openly and articulate your ideas, feelings and opinions clearly, and you will also ask others more questions and be more interested in their answers. Like the heart chakra, it is very connected to our relationships with others- however, healthy communication includes nonverbal and internal communication. Speaking truth to yourself—and walking consistently in that truth— is where it all begins.
I claim and honour my true voice.
I express myself with clarity and confidence.
I know when it is time to listen, and I think before I speak.
My voice, words, ideas, and presence all matter.
I embrace creativity as it flows in and through me.
I am able to clearly state my needs and I am heard.
I live an honest and authentic life.
Goals for the month:
The throat chakra deals especially with sound and frequencies. Listen to the sound frequency for the throat chakra and meditate using the affirmations.
When meditating, repeat the seed word HAM or the word VISHUDDHA and use the mudra for the throat chakra. It is especially powerful to speak the chants out loud using the throat chakra frequency (741 hz); try speaking chants, affirmations, and prayers out loud even in private.
Light a blue candle, use the scents of mint and rosemary, and carry a light blue stone. Stones and minerals also carry frequencies, and wearing one around your neck can send healing to the throat chakra.
Do neck stretches and breathing exercises to loosen the neck area. Focus on keeping your neck in line with your spine to prevent neck strain and hypertension.
Make a personal goal regarding communication for the month. It could be to speak your mind more, be more honest with your feelings, listen more intently to loved ones, gossip less or stop speaking negatively about yourself. Whatever it is, write it down somewhere you can see it throughout the month.
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