I'm Bamboozled.

Okay. Wow. I'm really frustrated right now, I don't even know why this is eating me up so much, but it is.

For the past week or so I'd been I guess kind of confused, just because getting into BYU is supposed to be really hard, and you have to get really good scores and they keep telling us that. But in most of my classes, the people just don't seem very bright. I hate to say this, but especially the girls. And I'd been hesitant to say it, but now I'm just bamboozled, really.

Tonight for American heritage, we watched Mr Smith Goes to Washington, with Jimmy Stewart. First of all, I love Jimmy Stuart, and the movie was beautiful. Yes, occasionally a bit silly, but I just really buy into Jimmy Stewart. He's so sincere, and so passionate, and he always plays the best characters... like in this case-- I find it so unbelievably refreshing for someone to care that much, care so whole-heartedly about lost causes, even when everyone is against you; he did what was right even when there was no support anywhere (literally, he couldn't even sit down!). I just can't really describe how much I love watching that sort of thing.

So the movie is about to end, and it's all dramatic, and already people are getting up to leave. Which I just can't understand. And then I'm walking out, and this girl goes "Why did he make us watch that?" And her friend says "to torture us. Like he does every day in class."
First of all, Professor Pope gives amazing lectures. I mean, ask anyone, history, unless it has been dramatized heavily in movies or historical fiction novels, is usually not my thing. But he accents his classes with clips, both funny and chilling, and he talks about the founding in a way that makes you excited about it. Honestly.

And furthermore, HOW are you not moved by those spectacular and rousing speeches that Jimmy Stewart makes? HOW are you tortured by actually seeing something important, in contrast to your daily life doing homework and gossiping and however else you spend your time??

Gah. And then she says, "oh well, I think it was a pretty old movie. You could tell by the coloring" (it was black and white).

I am so sick of these Barbies!!!!!!!!!


I just wish I could make a friend here who cared about real things. Someone who wanted to have a serious discussion about something other than boys. Someone who was interested in things beyond their own life. I don't know. I guess I just don't really understand people.


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