In My Skin
I feel like I've been aiming for this "perfect, stick-thin" body type, trying to create outfits that will work on that, and then waiting for the day when I can rock it/ trying to pull it off now. The thing is, I will NEVER have that body type. It's been hard to realize because one second I was a scrawny fourteen-year-old, now I have like woah these hips (and yet still no chest... maybe that's what's had me decieved for so long) and I haven't known how to deal with it. So, I ignored it.
I think a LOT of girls my age (and older) try to dress themselves as if they have the same body as the model in the magazine or the manniquin in the store. And that just makes them feel horrible when they look in the mirror and see how it doesn't work on them. But it's not that you have the wrong body! It's that you have the wrong clothes!
Not that I have any specific advice on how to dress to compliment your body-type; It's just a personal observation I've made that I need to remedy in my own life. And I mean, I still am like "juice diet! Wahoo! My goal is to lose five pounds in two weeks!" And then I totally fail and cry over some delicious dinner and say "why, juice diet?? Why were you so unfulfilling?????"
Yet I still try. (Juice diet, time for round two.)
Hem. The point if this post was to tell you that I'm trying to accept my body. Which I am in the road to doing. Apparently, boys even LIKE girls with big bums (whattt.) So, you know, I'm trying to look at myself without criticism or harshness, but with acceptance and love.
And so should you, my friends. Rock it hard.
I think a LOT of girls my age (and older) try to dress themselves as if they have the same body as the model in the magazine or the manniquin in the store. And that just makes them feel horrible when they look in the mirror and see how it doesn't work on them. But it's not that you have the wrong body! It's that you have the wrong clothes!
Not that I have any specific advice on how to dress to compliment your body-type; It's just a personal observation I've made that I need to remedy in my own life. And I mean, I still am like "juice diet! Wahoo! My goal is to lose five pounds in two weeks!" And then I totally fail and cry over some delicious dinner and say "why, juice diet?? Why were you so unfulfilling?????"
Yet I still try. (Juice diet, time for round two.)
Hem. The point if this post was to tell you that I'm trying to accept my body. Which I am in the road to doing. Apparently, boys even LIKE girls with big bums (whattt.) So, you know, I'm trying to look at myself without criticism or harshness, but with acceptance and love.
And so should you, my friends. Rock it hard.
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