My Sick Day
Today I stayed home from school with a cold. It's been tough... I got a large hot chocolate from McDonalds and watched Gilmore Girls and bought these ridiculously awesome/expensive shoes online. I know, they're kinda crazy, but I think I'm in love. And I've taken about three days to stare at them online to be sure I REALLY want them and I do. So... they're on their way.
I am in the midst of devouring season to of Gilmore girls. What will I do when it's over???
Answer: Buy the next three seasons.
Also, can I just say that while they kind of short-change Dean's character by making him the clingy boring boyfriend by the end, I loved Dean. But not as much as I love Jess. Jess's bad boy attitude can get old by the end, but he is DREAMY I tell you, his knowledge of literature is sexy (despite his distaste for poetry).

Also, I took some random picture around my room so that I can visually update you on all my various doings. (Doings? I have no idea.)
I am in the midst of devouring season to of Gilmore girls. What will I do when it's over???
Answer: Buy the next three seasons.
Also, can I just say that while they kind of short-change Dean's character by making him the clingy boring boyfriend by the end, I loved Dean. But not as much as I love Jess. Jess's bad boy attitude can get old by the end, but he is DREAMY I tell you, his knowledge of literature is sexy (despite his distaste for poetry).
Did I ever show you my fur vest? No? Well here it is. *Smiles proudly.* He mostly lives in the closet, waiting for the day I actually go somewhere besides school or the grocery store, but he just makes me smile like an idiot every time I go to grab a jacket. Except I think I'll stop calling him a him now because now all I can think about is a little animal living in my closet and that's definitely not what I was going for. (Oh, and ignore the vast amounts of polyester next to him, there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for that which I may or may not go into another time.)
Mr. Brinn lent me a copy of his new literature book to read through. It has some good essays and short stories and poetry, but I think I might like his other literature book better, because it's more content and less explanation. Also maybe it's just bad luck but this one has caused me to end a story prematurely due to an uncomfortable and nasty topic three times now. Schools these days.
Hope you're all enjoying your last day of January. I'll have a book review or something soon. Or possibly a shoe review, but that'll have to wait 15-20 business days.
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