The Church is True

I believe that we are in the last days, the final inning before the second coming. I believe that Satan is more powerful than ever, and I also believe that the Lord is strengthening his church.

I have noticed that a lot of my friends are being very vocal about their "issues" with the church. They are posting things on social media sites that pick at the church and suggest that the church should change it's value system to fit with the world's views. This makes me extremely uncomfortable. The church is not and will never be popular in the world's eyes. We have values that the world is moving very swiftly farther and father from, but as the world constantly shifts and changes, we will not. We will not change our values because people become angry or disagree with them. The church is not a democracy. In fact, the church would completely stop making sense if one day the prophet said, "you're right! Thanks for convincing me; we've been doing this wrong all along. Women, here's the priesthood. You can go ahead and stop dressing modestly. The world has changed and so will we!" 

NO. Can you fathom such a thing happening? If so, you do not understand the mormon faith. If you know this will not happen yet still insist on attacking the church for it's views, reevaluate your testimony; if you believe this church is true, you will put your faith above the things you don't understand. I know this all may sound harsh, but I believe that this time, these last days, are not a time for the members of this church to have one foot in and one foot out of it. This church is true, the prophet is the mouthpiece of the almighty God, and if we truly believe it is true we will not join the dissenters in attacking it's teachings. We will stand by it in word and in deed. 

Anger invites Satan into our hearts. If you are going down a path that is led by anger, then Satan will gain control of your heart and lead you far away from truth and righteousness. 

I have a testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It is true. It is the healing balm that soothes my heart, it is the hope I have, it brings me closer to my God. My Savior lives. President Monson is a prophet of God. The twelve apostles are also called of God to be leaders in this dispensation. I love this gospel, I am so thankful for the light it brings into my life. I know it is real. 

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


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