Church today was so spiritual, it felt amazing to feel the spirit so strong and hear the testimonies of such wonderful people. We've all grown up a lot this year. I remember the first months of school, it definitely felt like I was surrounded by a bunch of kids away from home. But today I saw how much stronger and more firm everyone was in their testimonies and in the knowledge of who they were.
Most people talked about various trials they'd experienced- mostly not in detail, but just referenced them. They talked about how we don't have to be afraid, and how we can turn to Christ to find peace and reassurance. It was so beautiful, and I once again remembered that trials, while horrible and hard, strengthen us and make us into more perfect beings (not perfect, just more perfect). And I really came to understand the statements made by prophets about our generation; these young men and women, who are about to leave on missions, are unbelievably strong in the gospel. They may seem silly and immature sometimes, but today I saw how much they've grown and how good they can be.
That being said, man am I ready for this semester to be over! I believe we have about seven or eight weeks left-- we're over half way done. Don't get me wrong, I am overjoyed to see the sun, to have sunday school outside, to enjoy an early Provo spring. (In fact, I really wouldn't even mind living in Provo one day. I actually kind of love it). And I will miss all the amazing people I have had the opportunity of meeting this year! But I am dead homesick as well, and ready to take a break from school.
Anyway. After church I was starved (our church ends at three and I hadn't eaten anything before hand) so we headed to the cannon and I ate a giant quantity of vegetable lasagna and an entire waffle. It was glorious, but now I am laying in bed feeling a bit uncomfortably full. Reading Stephanie Nielson's blog, and not even feeling sleepy because I pretty much fell asleep at like 8:00 last night... (I woke up at midnight but fell back asleep at like 1:30. Yeah, it was weird).
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