20 little projects
The trees burn a deep red, like a dying flame
Desperately holding onto a dry branch.
I stand beneath them to feel their heat.
The wind smells like a campfire, and something sweeter,
I feel the chill of autumn in my bones and the
Warm glow of the leaves on my skin,
Look up and see only fire!
It is as red and desperately alive as the sound of my
“Everything is a matter of life and death.”
Richard Wilbur is observing me under this Burning Bush,
Urging me on, hoping me towards the window.
I watch the dying leaves flutter down around me, ready for
Burned most bright at close of day.
Sometimes I wake up with poetry stuck in my head,
Old poems, throw-backs to years spent memorizing
Words so cold I always had a cough:
There’s a
Of Light
It may as well have been my sun.
The sharp branches of shame appear as
Leaves fall from the tree,
Beautiful as broken glass.
I decide that I too am a tree,
I dig my roots into the soil and burst into flame.
Maddie becomes the person I almost was
I watch her turn to smoke
And wonder if she will leave the smell of firewood
On their skin
Broken butterflies lurch across the ground,
Leading to a pine-tree covered mountain that remains
eternally green:
There has never been a green as green as this!
“Ga som kitten kring het grot”
“You want to be loved,” the porridge says to the cat
The evergreens watch as I burn a deep red,
Beautiful for a moment.
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