Valentines Boxes

We made Valentines Boxes! Hurrah! :D I think some people's are soooo fun. Mine happens to be the ugliest, which makes me slightly sad, but it was because when we were making them I'd just had a bit of an ordeal and was desperately trying to drown my pain in Cinnamon Bears smothered in chocolate frosting, which was requiring most of my attention.

Also we have an abundance of attractive men on our wall. Originally they were placed under Misletoe to be kissed (hence the lipstick marks), but they're still up and Xanthea (our RA) just replenished the wall with all the requests we made.

See Patrick Dempsey? I requested him when I was going through my Grey's Anatomy phase. The only problem with this wall is that it doesn't have the legit MOST attractive man in the world, which is Jensen Ackles. It's a flaw I am trying to overlook.

Anyway, enough of valentines and attractive men for now; it's only the 12th.

Actually what am I talking about, Valentines spirit should last all week! <3


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