I Worry Sometimes.

Sometimes worry and I feel like I shouldn't have too much access to media in my future home. And that could be a bad idea- maybe if I am over protective of my children, they won't know how to be strong when they're out in the world. But the media is getting worse and worse, and for so many reasons I don't want them to be exposed to it.

First off, I worry about my girls. My friend Sophie and I were talking, and we realized that we can remember being uncomfortable with our bodies and worried about getting "fat" since third grade. We were seven years old. The fact is, I know we didn't feel this discomfort because of anything we were told within our homes growing up- it was from television, advertisements, movies we watched. Barbies, disney princesses, and beautiful people we were made to look up to were always freakishly thin. I remember being lavishly praised by friends, older girls, and even other kid's mothers for being skinny, and because I would constantly get praised for it, I began to be unhealthily afraid of losing that skinniness. I hid beneath baggy shirts when I felt I was anything less than skeletal. I didn't eat well. I don't want my girls to ever feel that way, especially not when they are so young.

I worry for my boys. Pornography isn't something you are going to find by going to "pornography.com" or by typing something nasty into google. It is in almost every big television show on TV right now. It is in advertisements before YouTube videos, or on the sides of websites. It is slipped quietly into just about every avenue of media there is today- you can't go three minutes online without seeing something explicitly sexual, or listen to the radio without hearing lyrics that are so dirty you feel like you need to cleanse yourself. It is seen as normal, it is made out to be harmless, it is everywhere.  How can I protect my boys from being exposed to all of this without hiding them from the world?

It is my duty and divine privilege to raise my children in light and truth... giving them the best possible home, being the best person I can be, marrying the greatest man I can find... that's all I can do.

And I feel heavenly assurance that it is enough.


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